Privacy Policy

Data we gain from customer helps us customize and persistently enhance your shopping background at We utilize the data to deal with orders, deliver items and administrations, handle payments, speak with you about orders, products, administrations, and limited time offers, overhaul our records and for the most part keep up your records with us, show customer audits and recommend stock and administrations that may hold any importance with you. We additionally utilize this data to enhance our store and platform, counteract or identify extortion or misuse of our site and empower outsiders to complete specialized, calculated, or different capacities for our benefit. Here are the types of information we gather:

Information Given by You: We get and store any data you enter on our site or give us in some other way. We utilize the data that you accommodate such purposes as reacting to your requests, modifying future looking for you, enhancing our stores, and speaking with you.

E-mail Communications: To help us make e-mails more valuable and intriguing, we frequently get an affirmation when you open email from if your PC backings such abilities. On the off chance that you would prefer not to get email or other mail from us, please illuminate us by sending an email here.

Information Usage

The most critical utilization of the data gathered from you is your email which is utilized to educate you that your request has been affirmed/executed. Your email is additionally used to illuminate you for your client benefit related questions and for any bulletins sent. All other data gathered is secretly put away and won’t be unveiled unless required according to the prerequisite of the law specialists or if there should arise an occurrence of any question.

Information Sharing

Presumably this is the most essential question in your brain as to with whom do we share your data? The response to this question is that we don’t lease, offer, trade, or give away your data to anybody. To some degree, data must be passed on to the dispatch organizations, Visa handling organizations, merchants, and so on to empower them to play out their capacities identified with your request fulfilment. Aside from this ordinary business prerequisite, data may likewise be should have been imparted to law experts, for misrepresentation recognition, and for the wellbeing of our site, representatives, administration, clients, individuals, and different offshoots connected with us.

Notices and Revisions

On the off chance that you have any concern about privacy at, please email us with an intensive depiction and we will attempt to determine the issue for you.

Our business changes continually and our Privacy Notice and the Terms and Conditions will change moreover. We may email occasional indications of our notification and conditions, unless you have taught us not to, but rather you ought to check our site often to see late changes. Unless expressed generally, our present Privacy Notice applies to all data that we have about you and your record. We remain behind the guarantees we make, in any case, and will never substantially change our strategies and practices to make them less defensive of client data gathered in the past without the assent of influenced clients.

Information Security

We work to ensure the security of your data amid transmission by utilizing Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) programming, which encrypts data you input.

We uncover just the last four digits of your Credit card numbers while affirming an order. Obviously, we transmit the whole Credit card number to the fitting Visa organization amid request handling.

We keep up physical, electronic, and procedural shields regarding the gathering, stockpiling and exposure of by and by identifiable customer data. Our security techniques imply that we may occasionally ask for confirmation of character before we unveil individual data to you.

It is imperative for you to ensure against unapproved access to your watchword and to your PC. Make certain to close when you wrap up a mutual PC.